Submersible Systems, Inc. began in 1979 from the near death experience of Larry Williamson, the President and inventor of Spare Air. He was diving off the coast of Catalina on his first night dive looking for lobster when he experienced an out of air emergency at 140 feet below the surface.
Because of this out of air emergency, Larry used his background in aerospace engineering and set out to make that "one extra breath" a reality for the diving community. After years of engineering and manufacturing several versions of Spare Air and HEED units, we have successfully pioneered the smallest, compact air source in the world and gained popularity in the dive industry as well as in the military. Today, Spare Air is sold worldwide through dealer and distributor networks.
The Helicopter Emergency Egress Device (HEED) protects aircrew members from the dangers of drowning due to ditching an aircraft into the water. It is also used for the purpose of protecting shipboard members from inhaling the dangerous and lethal toxic fumes of an engine room fire.
All armed forces in the United States who utilize helicopters have incorporated the HEED as a part of their safety equipment since it was first deployed in 1984. Military personnel throughout the world including such countries as England, Canada, Australia, Spain and Brazil are also using this product. To date several dozen lives have been saved and many more have reduced injuries due to the use of this product.
Spare Air and the HEED are sold in several variations depending on what needs the customer has. "There When You Need It" is our company motto and philosophy chosen for what it stands for: quality, reliability, and satisfaction. "There When You Need It" is how the company works, builds, and distributes. Through this statement, each employee is reminded that we are up to something greater than ourselves. Simply put: "We are Submersible Systems, and we are dedicated to saving lives with the best quality product the market offers in the most dependable way possible."
Submersible Systems will stay on the leading edge of the survival equipment industry by continuing to listen to our customer's requirements and to provide them with the latest, most technologically advanced equipment available.
I'd like to tell you WHY I invented SPARE AIR...
"One night I was lobster diving in the beautiful, clear cool waters off the coast of Catalina Island. After a short time, I realized I had failed to check my air supply. As I went to check it, I took a breath and discovered there wasn't one to be had. I panicked for a myself together and swam quickly toward the surface with the unnerving sense that it was too far away and I wouldn't make it! In this rush for the precious air far above at the surface, I began to black only thought was... If I only had one more breath of air.
For days after this experience I would awake in a sweat during the night. Then I began to notice a recurring thought I was the last words I recalled as I blacked out.... If only I had one more breath. Why was this coming back to me over and over again? Was I given a second chance to live for a reason? Then it dawned on me. There are others that didn't, don't or won't make it...There are others blacking out and never waking up... if they only had one more breath of air!
So the story ends with the present. SPARE AIR was born, and out of it my commitment to educate the world about preventable drowning and safe diving. I feel diving is safe, but it can and should be made safer. Read on to see how you can join the quest and become part of the story of SPARE AIR."
Larry Williamson,
Inventor - Spare Air